Šport ima v Sloveniji posebno mesto. Slikovita in razgibana pokrajina ponujata številne možnosti za aktivno preživljanje prostega časa 365 dni na leto, zato ni čudno, da smo Slovenci športni narod. Imamo tudi številne vrhunske športnike in veliko navijaško srce.
Poženite adrenalin po žilah, poiščite nove izzive – s pohodniškimi čevlji ali kolesom. Z otroki uživajte na smučiščih pozimi in v vodnih aktivnostih poleti. Dan zaključite s sprostitvijo v slovenskih termah in zdraviliščih ali odkrivajte bogato ponudbo bližnjih hotelov in kampov ter si povrnite moči z lokalno kulinariko. Naj vas očara kultura in slikovita slovenska mesta.
Še posebej vabljeni na raziskovanje Slovenske Istre, kjer vas podnebje razvaja v vseh letnih časih in ljudje navdušujejo s pristnimi zgodbami. Obmorska mesta presenetijo s svojo različnostjo, zeleno podeželje pa medse vabi na tradicionalne ali moderne dogodivščine.
Vstopite v svet aktivnih doživetij
Slovenia might be among smaller countries in the world, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in its diversity. In fact, this green country (over 60% is forested) is the only European country where the Alps, the Mediterranean, the Karst and the Pannonian Plain meet.
A natural playground with an astonishing diversity of terrains, Slovenia invites you to spend time outdoors; be it in the mountains, among the rolling hills, on the coastline and in the sea, in the green forests, by the rivers and lakes or even in the caves. Unique and unforgettable active adventures are guaranteed, no matter the season.
Prestine and diverse nature together with Slovenia’s unique location at the crossroads of four geographically completely different worlds are just a few of the most important reasons why sport is such a big part of Slovenian identity. There is even a holiday dedicated to sports, celebrated every 23 September.
If you add a well-organized sports infrastructure, then it is not surprising that Slovenians are definitely among the top in the world in terms of the number of sports achievements per inhabitant.
Cyclists Tadej Pogačar and Primož Roglič, basketball player Luka Dončić, sports climber Janja Garnbret and many other Slovenian names in the world of sports fill the headlines of the world media and push the boundaries of the possible. Their incredible achievements make some people believe that Slovenian athletes come from another planet, but they’ve guessed it wrong: they come from heavenly beautiful Slovenia, a small green country in Central Europe, with a big sporting heart.